
Looking for what games are played, and when? You can find the schedule here.

Since Dorans is officially a student sports association, we aim to support players from all games that can be seen as esports. We have weekly training sessions for the games that have teams (such as , League of Legends, Rocket League and VALORANT). These games require players to work together very well, and practising with your teammates in the same room on a weekly basis will increase your confidence and teamwork skills. Besides the games we practice on a weekly basis, we organise (alternating) bi-weekly training sessions and tournaments for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Throughout the year, we organise LAN parties and tournaments for other games that are popular at that moment.

Dorans also offers over the table games such as Dungeons and Dragons and other boardgames. Boardgames are played weekly alternating between Mondays and Wednesdays (please check the schedule for the day on specific weeks), during these boardgames you can bring your own boardgames to play with the other members that are on location.


League of Legends


At Dorans, we organize weekly practice sessions for League of Legends. This is done in fixed 5-person teams of similar skill. Any team can apply for coaching as well. The coach will attend most practice sessions and give advice about mechanics, positioning, strategy, etc.

We hold practice sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening from 18:00 to 21:30, in HG00.062 (occasionally switching to HG00.068) in the Huygens Building (RU campus). If you are interested, you can stop by at any of these sessions to see if it is something you’d enjoy. We recommend bringing a laptop, which is required in the long term, but we can lend out one laptop every practice session.


The DCLS is the League of Legends part of the DCES.

The year is divided into two seasons: Autumn (November – February) and Spring (March – June). Each of these seasons we hold a competition divided into 2-3 pools, depending on the number of teams. The pools are arranged according to the skill level of the teams. The games are played every two weeks in best of 3 format.


Selection teams

Dorans currently has one selection team for League of Legends “Dorans Aapje verjaardagsfeest 2 Dec”. They are participating in the Dutch College League Premier League, which is regarded as the highest level league among students in The Netherlands.


Rocket League


Since a few years, Dorans has added Rocket League to the list of games being played on location. Every week, we try to come together and have some fun matches on location. Besides a fun, casual experience you also get the opportunity to train with your team, and even have access to coaches if you desire.


Selection team

The Rocket League selection team strives to be a solid competitor in the Dutch Student League, as well as compete in CRL


Super Smash Bros.

Next to League of Legends, Dorans organises a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament every two weeks. These tournaments are open to the public for 5 euro’s and free for members. If you’re considering becoming a member, you can try out one tournament for free! The date and the location of these tournaments can be found on our Discord.



VALORANT is a team-based tactical first person shooter, where you will play a first to 13 rounds 5v5 search and destroy game mode. You can find people training during the training days (see the schedule, link at the top op the page), you can also ping people in the dedicated Discord channel if you want to play.


The DCVS is the VALORANT part of the DCES.

The year is (just like DCLS and DCRS) divided in two splits per collegiate year. The first split takes place from October till December, with a small break of two months till the second split takes place. The second split starts in April and lasts until June. During the split teams will play a BO2 against the other teams in the same division, and finish the split off with a playoff bracket between the top 4 (or top 2 and bottom 2 of a upper division, depending on the division). 


Selection teams

Dorans consists of one VALORANT selection team called “Finding Dorans”, since the Dutch Student League is yet to set off with a tournament series the team plays in the first division of the DCVS.
You can find the team streaming their POV of the games on either the Dorans Twitch or a personal channel of the team members.


Board games

This is the perfect opportunity to connect with people from the association without looking at your screen. Every week Dorans plays board games! Everyone takes their favourite board games with them and we choose what to play on the spot. This can range from long lasting board games like Risk to small and fast games like Codenames and Take 5. Bring all your favourites with you and join us for these great casual game nights.


Dungeons and Dragons


Since this year, Dorans organizes D&D one shots! People can sign up through the discord server every two weeks to one shots organized by our creative DMs. Every time, there will be different short stories in which everyone can join, from beginner to expert.

Themed events

Dorans also organizes themed D&D events! Want to celebrate Christmas, Easter or your other favourite holidays together in D&D with your Dorans buddies? Wanna beat the Easter bunny and finish him with your fists? Wanna fireball Santa Claus? Everything is possible in our themed DnD events.