Open League of Legends start-of-the-year tournament

Date(s) - 04/09/2020
18:30 - 23:00


To end off the start-of-the-year tournaments with a bang there will be a League of Legends tournament! The format will be 5v5 on summoners rift, to find a team we encourage you to join the introduction discord and meet your fellow summoners before the tournament starts. If you haven’t found a team before we start you will be put in a team with people around the same skill-level (because were doing 5v5’s it may be the case that you won’t end up in a team). Hope to see you on the 4th of september!

Sign up link: sign up here!

Please keep in mind that in order to participate, you need to be a student at the HAN or Radboud or a Dorans member.


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